What are the Top 10 wedding planning tips

The available space where you will be hosting your wedding will determine the number of guests to invite. If for instance, you have limited space at the venue, you will be forced to invite a small number of guest who comfortably fit within the space. You will also be needed to create space for the band that will be entertaining your guest so having the right number of guest will also give a room and space for this band.

During the summer months, an outdoor wedding in a tent is an affordable way to create a space to host your wedding reception. If you are planning an outdoor wedding, remember to arrange for an adequate power supply for the music and food refrigeration. You should discuss generators for weddings with a mobile power specialist to discover what type of generator is right for you. For the comfort of your guests, you should consider a silent generator.

After knowing the number of guests to invite, it is also important to know the type of meal to prepare for them. As aforementioned, you should inform the caterers early enough to avoid late preparations. This will also ensure the caterers have in mind what they required to prepare that day. However, one should also try to choose good meals that can be affordable rather than choosing meals that will be a stress to provide to the guests.

Read the full top 10 wedding planning tips.
